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Thursday, March 13, 2014


Mold initially comes from environmental sources and it plays its part in nature by breaking down dead organic matter outdoors. Mold found indoors is a cause for concern! Mold spores travel through the air and can grow on virtually any organic substance as long as moisture and oxygen are present. If these materials are porous then it can grow inside the material instead of just on its surface. Simple household solutions cannot permanently resolve this issue so professional mold remediation is required to prevent any further damage to your home or your health.

If you have visibly identified or can smell mold in your home you can assume that it may be growing in other places that are out of sight. It is commonly found inside walls because there are often spaces of confined humidity or moist air. In order to locate hidden mold we use invasive inspection methods or mold testing.

Things to look for that are associated with mold growth are:
  • Odor
  • Cracked or peeling paint
  • Discoloration in paint
  • Bulging in walls
  • Peeling wall paper
  • Areas in which water damage has occurred
These are all causes for concern that there could be a moisture issue which could eventually lead to the growth of mold and mold removal is then necessary.

Attention should be focused on the importance of good indoor air quality and its effect on your health. When mold is touched or inhaled it can cause adverse health effects in susceptible people regardless of the species of fungi or the extent of contamination. If there are abnormally high quantities of mold spores within your home they can cause hazardous health risks that include irritants, allergic reactions, respiratory problems, chronic sinus infections and in worse cases fungal infection and toxins from substances known as mycotoxins. In some cases, death is even a result of exposure to mold. Some 15 to 30 percent of cases of building-related illness have been associated, if not directly linked, to indoor fungal or bacterial contamination. Long term health problems are a cause for concern if mold removal is not performed.

A few of the most common strains of mold found in homes are:
  • Aspergillus and penicillium – These are allergenic molds that can cause many diseases in humans and can be found in the dust in your air conditioning system. Aspergilus and Penicilium have very similar spores that cannot be distinguished from each other.
  • Cladosporium  - This particular strain grows on dead plants, paint and fiberglass air ducts. This mold can cause nail fungus, asthma, pulmonary conditions and skin rashes in humans.
  • Memnoniella – This strain of mold is usually found on cotton, paper and wood products. Memnoniella can also develop toxins that are very harmful to the health of animals and humans. Some of the effects are cognitive disorder, numbness and tingling and severe muscle weakness.
  • Stachybotrys – This is commonly referred to as toxic black mold can produce toxins that are very harmful to your health. It is known for causing cancer, asthma, and headaches. This type of mold is commonly found in the back of walls, under ceilings and behind baseboards.

Evidence of mold and mildew inside of homes has become an increasing regularity because homes are not being built like they were years ago. Homes that were once built were able to breath and were built to have a steady air flow. These days’ homes are being built so that they no longer breathe which in turn eliminates air flow. Homes that were once loose houses that were able to breathe are now being renovated so they have become tight houses where there is very little fresh air flow. Air flow is needed to prevent moisture from lingering within the home.

Normal indoor conditions provide a suitable environment for the growth of a wide range of fungal spores. The presence of moisture or high relative humidity that accumulates in buildings or on building materials is what causes growth of these spores. If moisture problems remain undiscovered or unaddressed it can eventually lead to mold growth.

Things that can contribute to increased humidity in the home are:
  • Drying wet clothes inside
  • Steam from hot water
  • Improper ventilation
  • Untreated water damage

The most common causes of mold colonies in homes are:
  • High humidity from improper air flow
  • Condensation
  • Water leaks that are often hidden inside walls

If water leaks become visible or known water damage has occurred do not underestimate the severity of additional issues that can occur. Stagnant water leads to fungus growth and mold removal is required to prevent future health and property issues.

The EPA does not recommend you use bleach for killing and removing mold. OSHA is the first federal agency to announce a departure from the use of chlorine bleach in mold remediation. Bleach is a chemical, and it is better to use natural mold killing solutions instead. Do not use bleach to kill mold that is growing on non-porous materials like drywall and wood because it does not penetrate into the non-porous substance. Bleach will only kill the mold growing above the surface of these materials leaving the roots of the mold alive so they can grow back. Aside from not being a good solution for mold remediation bleach can damage your lungs due to its gas, cause chemical burns on skin, deteriorate materials and cause dioxins that are highly toxic and carcinogenic when it has been applied to particular materials.
  • Because mold is a contaminant you should never touch it and should wear gloves if needed. If the problem has become widespread do not enter the room unless your eyes, nose and mouth are properly covered to protect irritation.
  • Do not paint over mold that has not been treated because it will continue to grow and eventually appear visible again.
  • Ultimately, do not leave a mold issue untreated because it will only continue to worsen and contaminate other areas of your home.

Before treating the mold you need to first understand why it's there and fix the problem causing the mold growth. If you clean up the mold but do not address the initial source of moisture or humidity then it is most likely that your mold problem will come back.

Because mold can grow on any type of surface material if is best to have a professional handle mold remediation. If you believe you have a mold issue call our team of experts in mold testing and mold remediation to set up a free and thorough on site consultation.

At this time we will:
  • Inspect your property
  • Find the source the problem and address the concerns
  • Discuss mold remediation
  • Inform you on how you can prevent mold from returning
  • Provide you with a remediation estimate

It is impossible to get rid of all mold spores indoors. Mold spores can always be found floating through the air and in house dust. These mold spores are not a great cause for concern and will not grow if moisture is not present. Indoor mold growth can and should be prevented or controlled by controlling moisture indoors. 

If you have health concerns than make sure your indoor environment is moisture free and look into obtaining a HEPA filter. HEPA filters trap small particles that may cause problems for allergy sufferers and those with health problems. Reducing or eliminating those particles will create cleaner air for the residents of your home. 

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